Ah.... Spring Break. Ten days off of work, sleeping past 5:30am, and doing whatever I want. Well, I had good intentions for spring break. I will say that half of the spring break was very nice albeit the pollen in the air. Unfortunately, for a few days, the flu reared its ugly head and I was sick. I went to the grocery store and was exhausted when I returned home. Took one look at my flushed face, took my temperature, and voila... 102! So that was the culprit. Groceries unpacked and not hungry at all. Now, that's a food lover for you. Shopping when not hungry just because I like to cook.
A good night of rest helped somewhat but I wasn't hungry. I knew I had to eat something though. Not much energy to cook, but wanted something warm. I now have a new favorite spring breakfast food which I ate for about 3 days while I was feeling ill.
Plain white bagel.. Yes, I like white bread!! Always have and always will. Whole wheat, pumpernickel, rye, are good too, but when I want bread as a comfort food, it's white all the time.
White bagel topped with sliced garden tomatoes, a few pieces of strong Swiss cheese (Emmentaler will work), a few grinds of salt and black pepper to finish it off.
Toast under the broiler until the cheese is golden brown. I served it with hot tea. This simple breakfast snack got me through the entire day.
I hope the spring flu doesn't grab hold of any of my readers. It was a few days of annoyance, discomfort, and lots of rest.